Monday, April 3, 2017

Back to work

Hello, literary lovers, here you find me in front of Shakespeare and Company, home of my book Writers in Paris, Literary Lives in the City of Light, happy to have April at last and starting my literary walks for the year.  So please take a look in the  heading called The Walks in my website and see what juicy things are to be found there.  

As the book says, "'A magnet,' a 'Mecca,' an 'incubator,' a 'hothouse' for writers -- all these we things Paris has been called, and rightly so.  No other city has attracted so much literary talent, launched so many illustrious careers, or produced such a wealth of enduring literature."

And, "Just as our writers were enriched by living in Paris, our appreciation of their lives and their works -- and indeed in the city inself -- is heightened by follow them from place to place in our imaginations, or even better, in our walking shoes." 


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Hello, Literary Lovers in Paris,

As usual, I wait for Spring to get my literary walks going again. My schedule will start in April.       In the meantime, please read my blogs and read my book Writers in Paris, Literery Lives in the City of Light. In Paris you can buy it at the Shakespeare and Company bookshop, on the Left Bank across the Seine and the Notre-Dame, and it can be found easily from Amazon..                                               Note that Writers in Paris is in the Second Edition.  It came out in 2016.                                               I hope to be walking with you on the streets of Paris with Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Sartre, Beauvoir, Camus, James Joyce, Gertrude Stein, George Orwell, and many other great writers.
See you in the good weather!
Best, David